Support PFLAG New Orleans
PFLAG New Orleans is funded entirely by members' dues and donations from supportive individuals, families, and foundations. We do not receive funds from PFLAG National and can only accomplish our mission with your help!
Your generosity will ensure our ability to support the LGBTQ+ community in a number of ways, including:
- Scholarship Program awarded to over twenty five LGBTQ+ post-secondary students annually
- Alumni group of past scholars to help nurture the next generation
- Monthly in-person support group meetings in New Orleans, Mandeville and Slidell
- Weekly sixty minute radio program – Expanding the Rainbow on local station WHIV 102.3 FM
- Monthly virtual newsletter – The Banner
- Collaboration with local education and mental health leaders on safe schools initiatives
- Proud co-sponsor of annual Pride Prom
- Consistent social media presence including advocacy action alerts
- Community presence at annual events, such as Family Equality Day, No AIDS Walk, Black Pride, and others
- On Demand community presentations regarding ways to support our LGBTQ+ loved ones
*If you would like to sign up or renew your membership, please visit our Membership Page