Consider donating funds towards a scholarship
We are enthusiastically looking forward to next year and the growth of the Scholarship Program. It is one of our missions and commitments to grow our fund and secure it for future LGBTQ+ students wanting to further their educations. Help is needed to sustain the scholarship program to ensure that it is on sound financial footing for many years to come. Please consider a one time or annual contribution to fully or partially fund a scholarship.
The PFLAG New Orleans chapter has been able to fund scholarships for the past three decades because of the support of very generous donors and supporters who have believed that this is one important way to affirm and directly support young LGBTQ adults as they further their education. Each year, the scholarship committee reviews applications and is reminded that many of our students have to overcome many personal and financial obstacles. Please know that the affirmation makes a significant difference in their lives.
Awarding more than $800,000 over the years has been one of the greatest accomplishments and sources of pride for our organization.
The PFLAG New Orleans chapter has been able to fund scholarships for the past three decades because of the support of very generous donors and supporters who have believed that this is one important way to affirm and directly support young LGBTQ adults as they further their education. Each year, the scholarship committee reviews applications and is reminded that many of our students have to overcome many personal and financial obstacles. Please know that the affirmation makes a significant difference in their lives.
Awarding more than $800,000 over the years has been one of the greatest accomplishments and sources of pride for our organization.
You can make a significant difference in a student's life.
Individuals, Businesses, Non-Governmental Organizations and Other Organizations May Donate
Donor Levels
Donation |
Level |
Less than $1000 |
Donation will be grouped with other scholarship donations to complete a scholarship. These donations are grouped and not named. |
$1000 or more |
Tribute - May be named in honor or in memory of someone. |
In recognition of the generosity of our many donors who make this program possible, donations of $1,000 or greater may be named by the donor to honor a person, business or other organization. Named scholarships provide a wonderful way to memorialize those who have passed, those who have inspired, and those who have given. All other donations to the scholarship fund are comingled with funds donated in previous years and through our annual fundraising events and serve as the main corpus of our annual giving program.